Summer Time¡¡

15 Jun
Kindle 2.0

Kindle 2.0 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


This summer, I will read (again) the Harry Potter series, and I hope, a lot of other books too. This summer I’m going to buy a lot of  eBooks, because, I can’t keep my  books with me to the trips, they are so heavy.  I will go to France and I think I will have a lot of free time  to read, and maybe my parents will give me an Ebook for my birthday, but my birthday is in September, and..I will need to share the Ebook with my mum or with my dad…that’s annoying because my mum also loves  to read and my dad has the old one.



summer time

15 Jun

this summer I’m going to go to many places like Germany, France … where I will try to learn languages. In Germany I’m going to go to a Camp for three weeks. Before that I’m going to go to The Canary Islands with a friend that I met in England. but at the begining of the summer I will go to France to meet new people like I do always since three years

Summertime :D

15 Jun

This month, the season of rhythmic gymnastics competitions finish and I’m not in national tournaments so my training finishes next week. I´m not going to train with my team again until September and I can’t wait until that, so I’m going to train in Summer on my own, maybe I’ll meet some girl from my team to train together and have a good time enjoying what we do.

I will train with my hoop or another apparatus of rhythmic gymnastics in my yard almost everyday, because I want to improve my flexibility and rhythmic gymnastics techniques. I can’t stand not training because I just want to get better and enjoy my Summer as much as I can or maybe I can  look for a rhythmic gymnastics camp to go to and tell to my team to try to go together.

Week 10

15 Jun

The last posting….Summer is upon us now.

Only a few students cam to the last class. This will be their last posting focused on their Summer expectations in relation to their interests. Everyone has plans, many are leaving the country. I hope they all have a great time and enjoy their holidays as well as learn a little more English! As for me – I’ll be here in Madrid trying not to melt, enjoying my new bike and trying to hit the pool whenever I can.

The Tee Shot

1 Jun

The tee shot is obiously the first shot of each of  the 18 holes and it is very important. For me it is very important because you do this shot at the begining of the hole and if you do badly or hit the ball out of the play, which can make you feel bad and lose a stroke. In this shot it is important to hit the ball hard, to leave the ball as close as posible to the green, but for me it is more important to hit the ball well and straight to leave it in the midle of the fairway so you have an easy second shot. Many people think that the most important thing in this shot is to hit it very hard and leave it to the moon but normaly players hit a horrible shot, i like to call this Schwarzenegger syndrome . My advice is to concetrate most on hitting a good shot than hitting a long shot.

The history of fashion in the 1900s

1 Jun

This article is about the history of fashion design since 1900. The modern fashion industry, based around firms or fashion houses run by individual usually male designers, started in the 19th century with Charles Frederick Wort who was the first designer to have his label sewn into the garments that he created.

On 1900: The outfits worn by the fashionable women of the ‘Belle Époque’ ,were strikingly similar to those worn in the heyday of the fashion pioneer Charles Worth. By the end of the 19th-century, the horizons of the fashion industry had generally broadened, partly due to the more stable and independent lifestyle many well-off women were beginning to adopt and the practical clothes they demanded. However, the fashions of the La Belle Époque still retained the elaborate, upholstered, hourglass-shape style of the 19th century.  The constant need for radical change, which is now essential for the survival of fashion within the present system, was still literally unthinkable.  The use of different trimmings were all that distinguished one season from the other.


My team ;)

1 Jun

My team is made up of five girls, counting me. These girls are an important part of my life, I´m with them a lot of the time and we are always together and we are always agree on everything. I rely on them and they rely on me, so we support each other. We know each other gossips and we respect evey decision we make. My team wouldn’t be the same if they weren’t in it. I’m glad of having the team that I have and I wouldn’t change them.

My Favourite Books

1 Jun

Books (Photo credit: henry…)

My favourite books are…..mmmm there’s a lot of books, so I’ll choose 10.

1. Girl saves Boy, Steph Bowe.

I’ve read this book five times, and I still love it. In this book Sacha has cancer and he meets Jewell, I love the book because it’s so funny and sad.

2.The Name of the Wind, Patrick Rothfuss.

I’ve read this books 2 times, it’s a very good book, with a lot of adventure and magic.

3. Harry Potter (all books).

I love the magic boy, it’s a classic book. I read all the books in one month.

4.The Perks of being a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky.

This a special book for me, I love it. It’s about Charlie, and his two friends.

5. The Lord of the Rings and Th Hobbit, J.R.R.Tolkien(of course).

Of course i’ve read it.

6. The Hunger Games, Suzanne Colins.

The Hunger Games, Sinsajo y Catching Fire.

7.Fairy Oak.

When I was

8. SHOW, Javier Ruescas.

9.Percy Jackson, Rick Riordan.

10. Momo, Michael Ende.


TO BE CONTINUED… (i not finish yet)

the week ( day 1 )

1 Jun

the first day I woke up and I got dressed. We went to the school because we were going to stay there for all the day. When we arrived we went to the lunch room to eat a little breakfast and after that we watched the P.E. class. At the end of the P.E. class we were with our corespondent in french class two hours and I met a lot of people, for example from Greece or from Italy. We had a break and I was speaking with the people. We finished our classes and I collected a lot of numbers and facebook names. I came back on the bus and I was in the house with my correspendent for the rest of the evening playing X box.

Week Eight

1 Jun

One week later and here we are – I hope they finally post something. Some of them have been having problems, some technical and some motivational. I think I’m going to have to be more involved in the process today. To date I have been letting them write on their own and correcting their posts during class time, but I feel if I’m more active with them today they’ll react a bit. Let’s see